Our next meeting is….LUNCH! We’ll be meeting at Pinnochios Restaurant, 1751 N. Hover Road, Longmont, CO 80501. Please contact Debra Noel with your RSVP – serafinanana7@gmail.com.
NEW MEETING NEWS! Starting in January, we’ll be alternating monthly day and evening meetings with Longs Peak Hospital. It’s exciting to see our group grow, and expanding to an evening meeting will allow ostomates another opportunity for support. Day meetings will continue at Longmont United Hospital at 1:00 pm, and evening meetings at Longs Peak Hospital will be at 5:00 pm. Currently, the monthly schedules will be:
***Longmont United Hospital — February, April, June, September, November
***Longs Peak Hospital — January, March, May, August, October
This schedule still assumes social lunches in July and December.
Our mission is to provide encouragement and support to all Boulder County ostomates. We look forward to new growth in 2019!
pam johnson
My husband recently( in Dec.) had a urostomy. He and I are very interested in a support group. Do you have to live in Boulder Cty? Do you just show up at one of the hospitals meetings?
There are not to many support groups out there.
Thank you