OstomyForSeniors was started in 2017 by me (Susan Merys Bogatin). I received by ileostomy on February 8, 2016 due to decades of UC. After years of medications that didn’t work, it was clear that the decision for a total proctocolectomy was the wisest choice. But already being a senior, at the age then of 65, most of the videos I saw were from younger people. I wanted to know how seniors deal with this new, and sometimes unexpected, “normal”.
After starting this blog, I soon took over responsibilities for the Boulder County Ostomy Support Group, and many of the Posts on this blog are from that time frame. Still, I think there’s good information to be had, so I’ve left them intact. Going forward (now 2023, post Covid) I plan to be more specific at addressing senior issues.
I still consider myself to be a Patient Advocate for the United Ostomy Association of America. Before Covid, I frequently visited patients at two hospitals in Northern Colorado, so I’ve been exposed to, and seen, many types of ostomies, and collaborated with WOCNs for advice and guidance. I hope to share that experience with all who may find this site.