I can’t believe we’re ready for a new year! We had a nice lunch in December at 3 Margaritas in Longmont. It was a great time to enjoy conversations, and we learned about the latest study by our ostomy nurses, Charles and Kelly.
Our next meeting takes place on January 9 at Longs Peak Hospital, 1:00 pm, Conference Room A. Our guest will be Karlene Martin at Shield Healthcare. Karlene always has an interesting presentation, and she may be able to give us a heads-up on new materials expected from suppliers this year.
We will also have Skype call-in at 1-855-637-2079. The ID is 38875 46302 and the PIN is 8461 (Leader will put in PIN). Honestly, I’m not sure how to use this system, so let me know if you’ll be calling in to listen so I can prepare.
There are a number of podcasts available now for ostomates. If listening is your best way of learning they might be something to check out. OstomyConnection has made a list of those they think are most interesting, including:
- Butts and Guts (from the Cleveland Clinic)
- The Bottom End (from AbbVie and Crohns and Colitis Australia)
- WOCTalk
If videos are more your thing, check out Eric Polsinelli’s reviews and videos at VeganOstomy.
It’s the end of 2019 and organizations are looking for donations. If you have leftover supplies or samples that you’re no longer needing or using, here are some qualified donation services:
- Friends of Ostomates Worldwide – USA
- Ostomy 2-1-1
- Osto Group
- GoodHealthWill….. (located in No Colorado)
Here’s hoping that we all have a wonderful Holiday Season and good health for the year ahead!
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