What?  It’s September already? We had a really great presentation for our August meeting by our own WOCN, Charles Sloan. He reviewed his talk “Ostomies 101” that he gave to the staff at Longmont United Hospital last month. This presentation was truly excellent.  Thank you, Charles!

For September, our guest is Physical Therapist, Jenn Davia, Integral Physical Therapy. Jenn is passionate about women’s physical therapy, and specializes in pelvic PT. She is also a board certified women’s health clinical specialist (WCS). I met Jenn when I learned that she could help to break up my abdominal adhesions after my surgery. Her presentation will focus on scarring after surgery, risks and advice regarding hernias, and exercises for ostomates. We’ll meet at Longmont United Hospital, September 6 at 1:00 pm in the Gauguin Room.